Cut-off Date of Guidelines /Important Developments for Examinations

The Institute has a practice of asking questions in each exam about the recent developments / guidelines issued by the regulator(s) in order to test if the candidates keep themselves abreast of the current developments. However, there could be changes in the developments / guidelines from the date the question papers are prepared and the dates of the actual examinations.


In order to address these issues effectively, it has been decided that:

  • In respect of the exams to be conducted by the Institute for the period from March 2023 to August 2023, instructions/ guidelines issued by the regulator(s) and important developments in banking and finance up to 31st December 2022 will only be considered for the purpose of inclusion in the question papers.
  • In respect of the exams to be conducted by the Institute for the period from September 2023 to February 2024, instructions/ guidelines issued by the regulator(s) and important developments in banking and finance up to 30th June 2023 will only be considered for the purpose of inclusion in the question papers.